Articles Written By: Robert Kohen

When Should I Start Studying For The SAT or ACT?

A question parents often ask me is when their child should start studying for the SAT or ACT. Although different students have different schedules and needs, for the vast majority of students I recommend beginning prep the summer before junior year. Why so early?

Multiple Testing Dates

For one, the last date college applicants can take the SAT or ACT will approach quickly in senior year. In fact, for early decision applications—which can significantly increase a student’s chances of admission—the final SAT a student can take is typically in October or November, while the final ACT can be as early as September. Starting prep the summer before junior year, then, ensures at least a full year before the final valid testing date.

Why would a student want to start prep a full year before the last possible testing date? For most students, adequately preparing for the SAT or ACT takes a number of months. The average student needs to spend a few hours each week for around four to six months to see a significant improvement in their score. While the process can be much quicker for some students, it can also take longer for others. This is especially true for students juggling a hectic academic and extracurricular schedule.

In general, the more a student works on the SAT or ACT, the more their score increases. Starting test prep too late can unnecessarily shortchange a student out of the time they need to reach their target score. Ensuring that there will be enough time to prepare, then, is essential.

But preparation is only one part of the equation: it is generally to a student’s advantage to sit for the test more than once. Students tend to score within a range, performing somewhat better on some tests than on others. Take Tom, a hypothetical student. Tom’s great at SAT math, and on his best day, he’ll score an 800. On his worst day—maybe he makes an extra mistake or two, feels uncomfortable at the testing center, or sees a few problem types he finds especially challenging—he’ll score a 700.

Tom takes the SAT three times. On the math section, one day he scores a 700, one day an 800, and one day a 760. When colleges look at his SAT scores, the vast majority will “superscore” his results – take the single highest section scores from across test dates and combine them into one “superscore.” Other colleges will simply pick the highest cumulative SAT score, as is more commonly done for ACT scores. Either way, Tom is using the natural variation in scoring to his advantage. Since the vast majority of colleges only care about his highest score, he’s going to end up with a higher score in his application folder than if he had taken the test only once.

By starting prep early enough, you can ensure that your child can take the test enough times to take advantage of this natural variation. It’s also not uncommon for students to perform poorly on the first official sitting because of anxiety, but to drastically improve on the second sitting once they’ve already been through an official administration. This is another reason why you want to ensure that there’s enough time to take the test more than once.

Because test dates are a month or more apart, starting prep the summer before junior year ensures both adequate time to prepare and an adequate number of convenient testing dates should the student decide to take the test more than once.

Remember, each test is only offered on certain dates. The SAT is usually offered seven times a year, whereas the ACT is usually offered only six. If you live outside of the United States, the number of available test dates might even be fewer, particularly for the ACT. Summer dates are not available for either test, except for one administration of each in early June.

rsz_1calTake Advantage of the Summer

Another great reason to start prep the summer before junior year is because summer is typically when your child will have the most time to study. Once the school year starts, students quickly become inundated with homework and extracurriculars. The last thing you want is for a student who has fallen behind to try to cram all their prep into the final few weeks before the test—this is rarely productive and can cause serious burnout.

If a student is usually overwhelmed during the school year, try doing as much SAT or ACT prep as possible (without causing burnout, of course) over the summer. Prepping intensively for either exam in a short time period can be just as effective as spreading prep out over a longer period of time. Students can make tremendous progress within two months time if they dedicate a sizable number of hours to either exam.

Another benefit to front-loading exam prep during the summer is that junior year is the time when students usually begin to look at colleges and start to think about the application process. This can be an incredibly time consuming process. Making a college list, touring colleges, and eventually working on the application itself can eat up untold hours. By getting the SAT or ACT out of the way as early as possible, more time is left for this very time-intensive process.

Finishing the SAT or ACT early doesn’t only buy more time for the college search and application process, but it also helps make sense of it. Knowing a student’s final SAT or ACT score earlier on will help your family to make better-informed decisions about what colleges and scholarships are realistic options. Generally speaking, in order to submit a competitive application to a college a student should aim for the median SAT or ACT score at that school or above. Similarly, many merit scholarships have target SAT and ACT score cutoffs. Knowing where a student is scoring or is likely to score, then, can help elucidate the entire process. At the same time, however, exploring about potential colleges and scholarships while studying for either exam can also help motivate many students to raise their performance. For this reason, it’s always good to leave the door open to further study if a higher score would be helpful and if the student is so motivated.

How Early Is Too Early?

OK, you might be saying, if it’s so great to start early, why not start even earlier than you’re suggesting?

You could start earlier, but for most students it’s not the most effective game plan. The majority of students simply don’t have enough coursework under their belt to perform their best on either test until after sophomore year.

What type of coursework is needed for the exams? In terms of math, both exams test material from Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II. Trigonometry is also present on the ACT and the Redesigned SAT. While some students might learn some of this material for the first time junior year, depending on what math track they’re in, others will have learned everything they need by the end of sophomore year. Algebra I and Geometry are more heavily tested on the SAT and ACT than are Algebra II and Trigonometry, so in general it’s best to start studying for either exam only after Algebra I and Geometry have been completed. Because material from Algebra II and Trigonometry is only tested in a limited capacity, this material can be learned outside of school with a modest amount of work.

If a student has not yet completed Algebra I and Geometry, it’s still possible to start prep but this will involve substantially more material that needs to be learned. For most students, waiting until at least this much material has been learned in school makes more sense.

The other major subjects the exams test are reading comprehension, writing, grammar, and, for the SAT, vocabulary. Because most students are improving their abilities in each of these areas with every passing school year, students can often perform their best on the exams by junior and senior year. For this reason, students can often get more out of both test prep and their test scores as upperclassman.

For some students, however, starting test prep freshman or sophomore year might make sense. If your child has already studied for the exam in preparation for a talent search program like the Duke Talent Identification Program or the Johns Hopkins Center For Talented Youth, he or she might be in a good position to continue work on the exam. (Note that official test scores from before 9th grade are often wiped clean from a student’s testing record, so the student might still need to sit for the test again in high school even if he or she already received a great score). Very advanced students who are on an accelerated math track, score highly on standardized tests and/or are rapid learners may be able to achieve their desired score as early as freshman or junior year.

If your child fits the above description, starting prep freshman or sophomore year can have great benefits. Coursework is often more intensive during junior and senior year, and the college admissions process typically begins in earnest sometime junior year. Getting the SAT or ACT out of the way before then can lighten the workload when junior and senior year do roll around.

If you’re unsure if starting prep before junior year is right for your child, you can always let your child take a timed, official practice SAT or ACT. This will let you see where they’re scoring and how comfortable they feel with the test at that point in time.

It’s Never Too Soon To Start Reading

No matter when your child starts to officially study for the SAT or ACT, it’s important that they begin to practice reading before then. Reading comprehension is a critical skill that is developed over many years and that is often difficult to improve in a short period of time. You can help by encouraging your child to read a variety of challenging texts, including novels, serious nonfiction and scientific articles. It’s important to ensure that they’re comfortable with all these different types of writing, as each appears on the SAT and ACT.

As your child reads, encourage them to expand their vocabulary by looking up words they don’t know. It’s also important that students learn to read actively rather than passively. The sooner they begin actively reading a variety of challenging texts, the better prepared they’ll be for both the SAT and ACT.


Starting SAT or ACT prep early is critical. Doing so ensures your child will have sufficient time to study and enough opportunities to sit for the official exam. For the majority of students, starting prep the summer before junior year makes the most sense. If your child is an academic superstar with enough of the relevant coursework under their belt before then, however, you might consider starting their prep freshman or sophomore year.

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For a free practice SAT and ACT, and/or for answers to any other questions, you can reach me at or 212-658-0834.


Strategies To Help You Conquer ACT Science

Many students dread the science portion of the ACT. With its overabundance of data and scientific jargon, the test can be an intimidating one. Behind its daunting façade, however, ACT science is actually relatively straightforward.

To begin with, the ACT does not primarily test the science you learned in school. Questions for which you may need to remember some basic science are rare, occurring only about five percent of the time. Most questions simply ask for basic data points or general patterns that are readily apparent from the charts and graphs provided. All the information you need to solve almost every problem will be there right in front of you.


The key to doing well on the test is to maintain your focus and cool – don’t be intimidated by the test maker’s technical language or seemingly complicated experiments. Here are five key strategies to help you perform well:

  1. Group questions by study, experiment or opinion. The science section is made up of seven “passages” or question sets, each of which contains its own subset of data, studies, experiments or opinions. When you’re working on a passage, begin by answering the questions that address the first study, experiment or piece of data. As soon as you’ve finished this question set, immediately look for questions that address the second study, experiment or piece of data. Repeat the process, doing so until you’ve finished all the questions. By closely pairing the questions to their respective portions of the passage in this way, you’ll be able to more quickly remember and identify the solutions. If you read the questions in the random order they’re presented, on the other hand, you’ll likely already have forgotten the relevant information for certain questions and will need to burn valuable time re-analyzing individual visuals or sections.
  1. Identify and label categories and trends. One of the trickiest aspects of ACT science is the sheer volume of information the test contains. Identifying the data you’re given upfront and labeling it accordingly will help you to make sense of this information in a timely manner. Because you have only a short time to process so much information, this step is critical for not only comprehension but also speed. Anytime you see a graph, circle the x– and y- axis. Note what each is measuring, as well as any clear relationship between the given x and y values. If you see a chart or graph, similarly take note of row or column headings. You can note what is being measured in the margin, along with any apparent trends or relationships in the data. To record trends or relationships quickly, use easily recognizable characters such as equal signs or arrows. These labels and markings will help you find information quickly and keep things straight when you tackle the question set.
  1. Don’t get bogged down in the technical language. Make a note of important scientific terms and definitions when you first read the passage. Don’t, however, become too caught up in deeply understanding and memorizing the precise meaning of every term. Much of this information will be irrelevant to the questions. This is especially true for information provided in parenthesis. If the information does show up on a question, you can go back to the relevant portion of the passage at that time.
  1. Improve speed with timed practice. You only have about five minutes per passage, so it’s critical that you learn to work quickly. While the strategies above will help improve your speed, it’s also essential that you complete a number of timed practice sections. The more timed practice you do, the more quickly you’ll process passages and recognize correct answer choices. Just make sure that you’re also learning from your mistakes. As with nearly everything in life, practice is key.
  1. Avoid lengthy calculations. If you find yourself in the middle of a lengthy, complicated computation, you’ve probably done something wrong. ACT science questions are meant to be answered quickly. Anytime you’re stuck with a complex calculation, look instead to quickly extrapolate an approximate value from the data in front of you.

ACT science doesn’t have to be daunting. With these strategies and some practice, you’ll be on your way to a great science score.


Managing Test-Day Anxiety

While it’s normal to feel some anxiety on test day, it’s important not to let it become so overwhelming that it takes control of your performance. Fortunately, there are a number of effective strategies for managing test-day anxiety.

Before the Test

If you know you worry a lot when taking important tests, consider writing out your worries on a piece of paper for ten minutes the day before the test. Although it might seem counterintuitive, a number of studies have shown that this exercise reduces performance anxiety and improves cognitive performance in high-pressured settings.


Another helpful writing exercise to complete the day before the test involves writing for ten minutes about your self-worth and diverse attributes. Explore all your activities, strengths, and positive attributes. This helps reinforce the reality that your identity can’t be boiled down to something as narrow as a test score, which in turn takes pressure off your performance on the test.

One of the best ways to handle test-day pressure is by simulating that pressure as often and as realistically as possible. Take full-length practice tests as they are officially administered – timed, whole, and with the officially allotted amount of breaks. Practice taking the test at the same time you’ll actually be taking it on test day. For paper tests, use an official bubble sheet to fill in your answers and the same type of pencil you’ll be using on the test. For computer tests, practice using the official computer platform. Try taking some of the practice tests in unfamiliar locations. The more you’ve simulated the pressures of test day, the better prepared you’ll be to handle them.

Test Day

If you’re feeling very anxious on test day, you can turn this energy around to your advantage. Tell yourself that you’re merely feeling excited about how well you’re going to do on your upcoming performance. By reinterpreting your bodily reactions you can downplay anxiety and sharpen both your confidence and performance.

If you find yourself thinking a lot of worried or negative thoughts, acknowledge the thoughts and then let them go. In other words, play the objective outside observer to your thoughts rather than the subjective participant. Sometimes visualizing a red light can help prevent further anxious thoughts from intruding.

Finally, don’t put too much importance into the test. You’ve prepared well and you will do your best – that is all that matters. The less important you imagine the test to be, the less anxiety you’ll face.


Mastering SAT Vocabulary

Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for success on the SAT. The verbal section is filled with difficult words that appear not only on vocabulary questions, but also in passages and even answer choices. You’ll also want to use advanced vocabulary in your essay. How can you make sure you’re prepared?


First, it’s critical to get hold of an excellent vocabulary list. Avoid lists that just offer advanced vocabulary for high school students – make sure you get a vocabulary list specifically tailored to the SAT. The list should be drawn from words that have frequently appeared on former tests. This should be explicitly noted. One good example of a list of this kind is Barron’s, which contains as many as 3,500 words.

So what do you do now that you’ve gotten hold of all these words? Decide how many words you’re going to learn before you take the test (the more the better) and then figure out how many you need to learn each day to reach your goal. The key is to space your learning out over a long period of time – neuroscience research has shown that you remember and understand better when you do a little learning each day over a period of days than when you cram all your learning into one day.

Make flashcards so that you can test yourself on the words. Not only do we learn best by being actively tested, but it’s too easy to fool ourselves into thinking we know the words otherwise. Consider using Anki, a powerful free flashcard tool that spaces flashcards in a way designed to help you best retain them.

As you study, try to think of unique ways to remember each word. For ignominy, which means shame, you might think of a group of shameful gnomes who have been tearing up people’s yards. The more striking and sensory the image, the more likely you are to remember the word.

Studies have also shown that the more you recall and use the new words you’re learning, the more likely you’ll be to remember them. When you’re in the shower or going to school, try to recall the words you’ve recently learned. Then put them to use in sentences. Use them in conversation, in your papers at school, and in your practice essays for the SAT. Make these words truly your own!

If you follow these steps, you’ll be on your way to building the type of vocabulary you need for success on the test. In addition, you’ll be building core foundations for future academic and professional success.

What happens if you don’t know a word on test day? Here’s what to do.


The Myth Of The Best Month To Take The SAT

You may have heard it before: take the SAT in December because the curve is easier. Students are taking it for the first time and will be less prepared. Avoid the October test, because rising seniors will be taking it and therefore the curve will be very difficult. While these claims hold the promise of an easy way to improve your score, the truth is that they’re simply not true.


The scoring table for each SAT does vary somewhat. 52 raw points in math might translate to a 720 on one test and a 700 on another, for example. This variability, however, is due to question difficulty rather than student performance. Question difficulty is determined independently of student performance. How is this done? First, before the test is even administered, the College Board creates a preliminary scoring table based on what they believe to be the difficulty of the test. Then, after the test is administered, they adjust the difficulty scale slightly based on student performance coupled with a complicated mathematical process called “equating.” In equating, the test makers test the students taking the exam on some of the same exact material they have tested past students on. They do this in the experimental section, which does not count toward the official test score. This to determine if the current group of test takers is performing better, worse, or at the same level as the average historical test taker. Why do they do this? To make sure that they’re not basing the scoring table on variations in student ability. So if students miss more questions than usual, but they discover via equating that the students are weaker than average performers, the test makers will not make the curve significantly easier. This is because they can tell that students are missing questions because of student ability rather than question difficulty. You can read the College Board’s lengthy technical description of this process here:

Historical SAT data bears this truth out. Erik the Red, a New Jersey based tutor, has compiled historical scoring tables for all tests administered in recent years. If certain test dates had more favorable curves than others, we would expect to see this borne out with some regularity. Instead, however, the distribution of scoring tables is highly random and not tied to any particular test dates. You can see Erik’s compilation here:

Why doesn’t the College Board grade the test on a conventional curve that adapts to student ability? Because if they did, test results would be inconsistent and thus less reliable to colleges. If an October 650 was equivalent to a June 700, colleges would have much less use for the SAT. They depend on it to assess student ability in a consistent and objective manner.

So when should you take the SAT? Whenever you’re thoroughly prepared to do well. Pick an administration that will allow you ample time to prepare, whatever the test date.

Want a Free Practice Test?

For a free practice SAT and ACT, and/or for answers to any other questions, you can reach me at or 212-658-0834.